Many hats...

That's what I seem to wear at work.From fixing the door and garbage disposal to buying food and scoping out a new building.That's in addition to what I do normally. Like program and stuff.Today we got together with a commercial real estate agent and toured some Solon office space. We looked at seven different buildings and around 10 office spaces that we could lease.Some were very 80's. Some were too big. Some were both.We did see a few that were pretty good.Now we just have to figure out what's the priority for the home office. Cost? Prestige? Both? Something else?We shall see.En got me a shirt for Christmas from Lulu Lemon. On it it says "Every day do something that scares you."While I might not be scared of getting a new building, it's not what I'm necessarily good at. Or not something that I know I'm good at.Like I said... we shall see.  :-)


Welcome to the world Benjamin Lucas Woyt


W8DFL QSL Cards - 2/14/2011