The Man In Black

Listening to Pandora I had my "Cake Radio" channel pumping out some tunes. A Johnny Cash song came on: "Man In Black."The third verse goes:

I wear the black for those who never read,Or listened to the words that Jesus said,About the road to happiness through love and charity,Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me.

I had an instinctive flinch at that. And it's not for what I thought.It really dawned on me that that how I describe myself as areligious is exactly what I am.An atheist would want to preach the gospel of "There Is No God." Now I think that it's just plain annoying.If you are happy, religious or atheist, don't try to force people to believe as you do. Lead by your actions. If people see you being happy they might ask -- then you can lead them down your path.I used to call myself agnostic, now I think that term is way too wishy-washy.I don't care how a person finds happiness. The notion of religion is not relevant to my existence. The important thing is that they wind up happy -- and the people around them are happy too. I can't argue about the line "the road to happiness through love and charity."I agree. It is.I hope everyone can fine a framework that gets them there -- whatever that framework is.So, you might ask, "what is your view on things?"That's a hard question. I tend to be pretty spiritual. I know that's a cop-out. I don't have a god that I believe in; I don't have a framework. If there is anything I can write it would be along the lines of "God is all around us, God is all of us, God is everything."</shrug>I just try to be a good person. If there is no god then I'm happy with my actions. If there is a god I hope that he/she/it/they can look at my actions and intentions and see me for the man I am.


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