Lump, redux - at the ER now

Like I said with the previous post I went to the doc in the morning for the hematoma (again, most likely, but not confirmed). He blew me off.It's grown larger. It's spreading further. Now it hurts.Now I'm at the ER.The pain level went from around a 1 to a 4-5 in the past 2 hours. (I'm trying to normalize on the conventional pain scale here, I process pain seeming differently)I wish the doc didn't blow me off this morning.I was getting in bed thinking I'll call up the specialist in Twinsburg in the morning. Over the next hour or so my pain level spiked up. The plan was to call up Twinsburg in the morning and give them the option of going in there or going to the ER.I recon that I wouldn't be able to sleep through the night.So now I'm in the ER right now in the waiting room with the motley crew that you would expect at 1 in the morning.More updates as I know more.


Lump: Gone. Vindication!


I still have the damn lump