Privacy Policy

Google made a lot of news recently with their change to unify their privacy policy. It got all the media in a lather with talk of "is Google turning evil" or some such stuff like that.This isn't about Google's policy.It's not about this blog's privacy policy. (Short answer there: there is none. If you reply to something then your response if going to be public... go figure.)This is about my privacy policy.I had a discussion with a co-worker today about the blog... somewhat meta in a way.I mentioned that I put private things on here and he looked back me aghast recoiling is shock.I know I've talked about it before... but I'm reiterating here. By nature I'm not a private person. I am who I am, take it or leave it.Can I hold things in confidence? Sure. If you tell me not to leak something, I won't leak it.I'm an open person, but I'm also a shy person. It's a dichotomy. Ask me a question and I'll give you a straight answer -- I might beat around the bush, but I won't lie to you.

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I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately. A couple that I've been diving into are:

That in itself opens me up a bunch... the thing that really gets me though is that there are a lot of people talking about sex; they talk about sex and don't spontaneously combust.That's the thing.I'm working my way up to that.While those folks don't burst into flames... it's like the stock market... past performance doesn't guarantee future results. I might burst into flames.Just sayin'.  :-)

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People are people. I wrote a while back that doctors are people. Sure. But every person falls into the category of "people" too.Doctors, athletes, porn stars, engineers, poets, authors, mechanics alike are all people.I look up to all of them (and many more professions as well).

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Like I said: "I am me."


New Gun: Boberg XR9-S


Teardown Tuesday: Bicycle Bottom Brackets (virtual)