Piecemeal Improvement

The expectation when you work hard you should get better at whatever you're practicing at. (I guess that might be why doctors call it practicing...)So, I have a standardized route I ride every once in a while. The route is a good mix of flat, rolling hills, and a giant (10% grade for 150' vertical gain) (ok, my concept of giant may not jibe with your giant.)Last year, before the infamous accident, I was able to do the route in 42:18. 11.5 miles. 16.3 miles/hour average pace.In the intervening time I broke my leg. I got better (mostly). I started riding again. I got an indoor trainer. I've worked my f'ing ass off on it.The weather in Cleveland seems like May now. I went out and did the ride again yesterday.38:52. 17.7 miles/hour.!I'm not a better cyclist than I was before I broke my leg.!!:-)Here's to improvement! :beer:


Force and finesse


Zagg Flex preliminary review