Seattle: Land of Ex-pats

I mean ex-pat in a very broad way... most of the folks that live here seem to be imports from other parts of the country -- or world.The team I work on has one person that grew up in the general area (even though his family is Filipino) . The rest:

  • Belorussian
  • Pakistani through Cleveland
  • Chinese through Equador (?!?!!)
  • Indian (Subcontinent)
  • Chicagoan
  • Danish
  • Clevelander (me)

After work we hit up the Canadian bar at the end of the street; the Angry Beaver is a hockey bar that just opened up. (Hockey coming soon) We went in and ordered some good Canadian suds and watched a bit of TV.College football was playing. Kent State (yaay) vs. Northern Illinois University. Behind us was the Chicago contingent all dressed in their NIU gear led by an Indian fellow. Indian like the subcontinent again.It was a good game even though the Ohioans lost in the second overtime.It just seems that most people here are imports. It livens things up a bit.


Gross cleaning of a Thermos


1990 Called. They want their technology back.