Downsizing the rides

We've been in Seattle for over half a year now. In that half year there was only one time (that, honestly, could've been avoided anyway) that we've used both of our cars at the same time.That combined with having only one parking spot that's not on the street has driven us to the point where we're looking to get rid of one of our cars. Maybe both and trade in for a station wagon of some sort.It's hard coming from the midwest where a car is essential. Now, we take the bus to work or downtown for nightlife. We walk to get dinner or a drink. We can bike places. It's a difference place. It's taking a long time to get accustomed to not needing the car.I don't think that we could get down to no cars given where in the city we live, but one I think we can swing.Maybe a Subaru Outback or something? Or perhaps an Audi or BMW wagon?Decisions...


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Gross cleaning of a Thermos