Frustration -- Left and Right

My online reading habits span the gamut from left to right. One thing is in common between the two is I get frustrated by both sides of the aisle.On the right you have the fear mongering republicans that demand that everyone needs to think like they do on issues like gay rights, healthcare, taxes, guns and much much more.On the left you have the fear mongering democrats that demand that everyone needs to think like they do on issues like personal choices, entitlements, guns, taxes, and much much more.Each side has a set of fear-based issues that get peddled out to rile up the base. Republicans fear the gays for some strange reason. Democrats fear entitlement reform.I get pissed off by both.So I was reading the far left Huffington Post just now... Of course the whole gun thing is up there. But so is a story about a former Olympian who happens to be working as an escort in Nevada.Most of the comments are negative.Why? It's legal there. It aught to be legal everywhere. What happens between two consenting adults is basically up to them as long as the transaction is taxed.And then you have the right all up in arms about gay marriage.The world hasn't ended since Washington legalized same-sex marriage. What happens between two consenting adults is basically up to them as long as the taxes are even with everyone else.The same can be said for guns... you need to toe the line that "guns are bad, m'kay?" if you're a Democrat. It's just an agenda that's being pushed now. (I won't repeat huge arguments right now... I'm feeling annoyed enough as it stands.)On the Republican side it's Obamacare that will be the end of it all. Well, if by "end" you mean "saving money and providing better care" (as vouched for by the CBO) then I guess you have a point. If you don't toe the line you're not Republican enough.Gaaaahh!!Both sides insist on getting their hands dirty with the affairs of everyone. Both sides piss me off something fierce.


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