
I wrote about Car2Go a few months back. I saw them pop up around three months ago with a few of their reps pimping the service next to the taco truck.Between En and I we've taken perhaps 6-10 trips using the little cars. In this time -- actually just today -- we figured out how to work the trunk. (Yes, the rear window pivots up, not the entire thing that looks like a trunk)Today was a good example of exactly how this helps us. (Not the trunk, but the service, though the trunk was used)We stopped by REI after work because they were having one of their 20%-off sales. We emerged with a big box containing hiking boots. En the entire time had a backpack as well and to that load was added a purse/beg/thingy. After the store we grabbed a bite to eat. After that we needed to pick up my crap from work -- crap that included a fuel pump and tools to work on it in addition to my backpack.Sure, we could have taken the bus... but carrying all the crap is a massive pain. Not to mention walking to the bus stop then walking home.The total cost of the trip would have been around $8.50. With a promotional credit I had it was a total of $1.78.Certainly, this was a worthwhile use of funds in my opinion.


Bike: Fixed!


Marketing knowledge