

I was talking to my blogging buddy I recently found and I think we've decided to delve into the ego-stroking realm of podcasting. About what? We're still not too sure. I know that I got some decent gear a while back when I was going to do some myself when traveling -- but I don't think that worked out as well.I think most of it is one person sitting down and talking, monologue still, just seems creepy in a way. It's like the guy on the bus, you know the one, who has a meaningful conversation with the window. Having a conversation seems a lot easier to wrap my head around. Besides, it gives me an excuse (like I actually would need one) to hang out with a friend.  :-)Like I was saying, this is early days... will the podcast be here or there? Both? We still don't know the answer.Will anyone even listen to it?Or will be a like the pair of people on the bus having a meaningful conversation with the back of the seat in front of them?Time will tell. But I'm thinking it'll be a fun process to see how this might turn out.




Better me