July 4th Partytime!

A bit belated perhaps, but we've had a busy week at work -- including weekend -- and I'm finally getting around to it.Dave, the guy with the magnificent fro, signed up for Olbliteride, a charity bike ride to support Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He set a fundraising goal with the promise that if the goal was met, he'd shave his head.The goal was met.Oh, and a bunch of his Bostonian ultimate players were in town for a tournament as well.[smugmug url="http://photos.vec.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=30512486_gqxKQJ&format=rss200" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="smugmug-lightbox" captions="false" sort="false" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]Good times!(the awesome-looking self portait isn't -- his daughter Nora took that one!)


Hanging with old friends


Raw photography comparison