Backups - Another take

So yesterday Kendra, Ennie, and I went to the 5-Point bar then to Chihuli museum.Things were great.Up until the camera announced that the flash card wasn't working and needed to be formatted.I put in a spare card I had with me, thankfully, and continued on the trip. When I got home I tried to rescue the couple dozen pictures off the card -- to no avail.I had some awesome shots on there that I can't ever really get back. Points in time that won't happen again.I tried three different card readers at home and nothing worked on it. I even tried to reformat the card in the camera and that failed as well.As I was pondering this I remembered the feature on the new Canon 5D-mkIII that I read about. It has both compact flash and SD card slots. It can also write every shot to both of them.I suddenly see the advantage of that.So, the Lexar "Professional" piece of crap is going back and I'm now gladly paying more for a SanDisk card. Somehow I trust that more.So, to sum up, the Lexar card is an unmitigated fail. Working for 200MB before dying a horrible death that caused complete data loss.What a fail.


Camera Gear


Hanging with old friends