Planning for packing

I have this odd thing about me -- ok, I have plenty of odd things -- I relish the act of planning a trip. I find myself daydreaming about what I need to pack and where I'm going.In many ways this is pretty much why I like to buy gadgets and widgets for camping and such. I love the process of it. Optimizing what I need to take, what I want to take, and what I can't take.This is one of the reasons I like to travel on a motorcycle I suppose. You have to make decisions. You can't take everything and the kitchen sink. It's like backpacking in a way. While with backpacking the big concern is always weight, with the motorcycle a lot of it is on volume. You have a limited amount of space to put stuff. Mind you, you still are concerned about weight, but it's not nearly as overriding a concern.What camping gear to take? What tools to repair the bike if need be? How about communications gear? Camera? Technology? Cooking?And then you get to the "where to" question.Ahhh... good times.  :-)




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