
Ahh... the joys of commuting on a motorcycle in Seattle year round.I got to visiting a friend of mine in West Seattle and as I got there it started to rain. As I got off the bike it started to sleet. Over the next 10 minutes there managed to get around half an inch of slush on the ground.This was a problem.I was planning on grabbing dinner and spending a bit of time catching up.At first we talked about just aborting and heading back to my place. As I suited up it just started getting worse and we aborted the abort if that makes any sense at all and we went back to plan A -- pizza.The other option, which I didn't feel like because I had a pile of expensive glass in the panniers of my bike, was to spend the night and figure a way to getting things back to normal in the morning.Thankfully, as time passed, the slush melted enough for me to get home.Brushing the snow (!) off my seat I got on and went home with a relatively uneventfully ride home. I only had one minor traction event with the back end stepping out maybe an eighth of a inch as I was headed into the tunnel on Aurora. (1/8" seems tiny, and well it is, but when you're on a bike and you're aware of what's going on you feel that like nothing else!)All's well that ends well. If a bit puckered.


Break taking


Reaction to invasion, by city