Risk and Danger

Michael SchumacherI came home tonight from walking to get dinner with Ennie tonight. When we got home she was checking up on some news and informed me that Michael Schumacher was in a coma after a skiing accident in Switzerland.I often get flak from people about my riding my motorcycle. It's "dangerous." I will admit that it is riskier than travel by car, but I don't think that automatically puts it in the category of dangerous. By that some type of comparison driving is "dangerous" to riding elevators simply due to the differing levels of risk.Michael competed in Formula 1 for 19 seasons. He was significantly injured one time in that span -- a broken leg. Formula 1 in general is a relatively safe sport of late with few major injuries occurring and no fatalities on track since 1994. (There was the death of María de Vellota that may or may not be related to a testing incident in 2012.)That being said, I look at something like downhill skiing and I say that is dangerous.My friend from work managed to completely mess up his knee at a work-sponsored skiing event. You have folks like Sonny Bono who got killed. Now people like Schumacher are in a coma.I've had no luck finding stats about this though. On a per-mile traveled, what is the injury and fatality rate of these activities?Another interesting angle is what percentage of either are due to the participant acting stupid? (i.e. not wearing proper safety gear, going outside the parameters of safety, lack of training, etc)


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