April Fools Day

Obviously there's a tradition on the internets of trying to pull April Fools jokes on the public. Google is famous for them.The thing is that most of them are pretty obvious.I had already gotten one this morning from Aerostitch, the fine folks that make my riding suit. They came up with a product page for their collapsable adventure ladder. All sorts of fantastical abilities were shown on the page -- like how to load up a bike on the roof of an Indian bus.The problem is when a product announcement might be mistaken for a joke.From a completely non-Amazon task I went to Amazon and was confronted with this:It might be real. Or it might be a joke. That I had to ask was interesting.I'm not the only one to ask. I know for certain that Ars Technica asked the same question.Later I checked in other places and it was certainly confirmed that it's a real product. Kind of cool and kind of creepy rolled into one. But real.The neater thing is the API that will be open to third parties.But anyway.I got a bit of a smirk out of the whole affair.




Camping and the theft