
The license plate I had on my bike back in Ohio was Utazo. I sharpied in the in the accent on the "O" making it a correct "Ó."Utazó is "Traveler" in Hungarian.Today the license plate search in WA went from "available" to "unavailable." Seeing that Washington doesn't have a big Hungarian population I think I got it.And I will sharpie in the accent once again when I get it in the mail.

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Funny story... my friend has a blog. She keeps things a bit secret for the most part using pseudonyms for people. A meta was named "Traveler" on her site. I had the plate (in Cleveland at least) before the name "Traveler" was taken.

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Travel, in many ways is what is keeping me going. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to July and getting out of town. Getting away. Going to nowhere.Being.


Odd Voicemail


Bike Blowout