Outrage porn

Yesterday En and I started watching the third of a series on Netflix: "Broken."

The first one was about makeup counterfeiting. I guess that was OK.

The second was about vaping and tobacco. And somehow it came off as for cigarettes and against vaping. So dumb.

This most recent one is somehow a connection between cheap furniture and tip-over accidents. The opening was flashing Ikea, Walmart, Target like the things you should hate.

It's just preying on people wanting to get pissed at the outrage of kids getting hurt and how it's just these things.

Ok, for one, furniture has been tipping over since furniture began. This is not a new thing. And if you say that it's because the new stuff is lighter, well, when the old and heavy furniture tips over it causes more damage.

Second, what are you going to do? You know who buys cheap furniture? People who don't have a lot of money. You know who's going to get punished most if you want to get rid of cheap furniture? The poor. What are you going to do? Go house to house looking for people who haven't anchored their furniture?

This is just random outrage porn at this point.


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