Crazy Woman

So I was at Appalachian Outfitters last Friday and got to talking to some guy about the BMW MOA rally that’s coming up soon. I took the bike there and was picking up pillows and the freeze-dried food that we had camping. He apparently noticed that I had the beemer and enquired.

We chatted for a bit about going out there. He and his wife are traveling out there with another couple since he has an old buddy that happens to live in Gillette. They’re traillering the bikes out. Turns out the other couple doesn’t do a lot of long distance touring. He’s going to spend two weeks out there riding around the area getting as far down as Colorado.

That’s not here or there however.

Last time he was out there, they took "Crazy Woman Road… or maybe Crazy Woman Canyon… something like that.” and recommended that I check it out.

It took a while, but I found it. It looks like a fun ride in the canyons on a gravel road. Sounds like a plan to me!

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Make sure you zoom in and out and check out the other views. It really adds a lot to it.


This is looking west down Crazy Woman Road towards Crazy Woman Canyon and the Crazy Woman Mountains. Am I a glutton for punishment or what?!


Weather last Saturday night


Phone woes -or- The XV6700 sucks