X-Day 12 is in the bag

The appointed hour has come and gone. Again. The aliens have failed to pick us, the true believers, up at 7 AM. Damn aliens. Maybe this thing really is a sham?!

The rain gods foreshadowed our fate by continually spitting on us for the first two days of camping. Our pancakes on Saturday chased the clouds away for the balance of our stay though.

The pancakes... oh the pancakes. We made more pancakes this year than any other year in the past. We made our full complement of 10 pounds of pancakes (well, 10 pounds of mix plus the water to make the batter). We fed a lot of people. We got our Bobby awards (one for each of us this year) for the bounty we provided. To keep the pancakes company we made some steak, quesadillas, eggs and french toast (not all at once mind you). In the overall spirit of giving others made us some deep fried turkey (Best. Turkey. Ever.) and the potluck just about an hour ago with the leftovers of the everyone all mixed up. I can say I've never had haggis before -- not too bad. In all, we ate well.

A lot of pictures were taken. Around seven and a half gigs of photos now grace my hard drive. Most of them are simply snapshots to be shared with folks that were there purely for the sake of reliving the dream. A few of them are bona-fide keepers. A subset of those might adorn our walls back at home.

Much of our gear is packed up ready to take home. We're looking forward to spending one more night of slack here at the camp.

Just overheard someone's rant from across the field. It goes something like this. You all come here to Brushwood. You might drink. Might frop. Might run around the fire naked. Might make out with someone you just met. You might not do any of them. Might do something else altogether. In the end you're safe. It's just exploring what it is to be yourself. Being around a lot of open-minded people can't do anything make you a better person. If you become more convinced of your beliefs you held before: awesome. If you question them: awesome. The journey never stops. Nothing wrong with doing stupid things now and then if nothing bad happens.

Did I learn more about myself? I'm sure I did; nothing dramatic this time around from what I figure. Did others? I'm quite sure of it.

As far as we know no one got ruptured. The only physical damage was to a light post; a tap caused some electrical wires to drop to the ground.

Ennie always gets on an ego trip though. Let's face it, the Subgenius get-togethers are a pretty much a sausage fest. A lot of positive attention is directed toward her. The phrase "if only we had a Bobby Award for the prettiest smile" was heard from the stage this year. (BTW: This is in no way meant to detract from all of the other beautiful Subgenius women that were here. But lets face it, you ladies are outnumbered)

Praise "Bob"!

More later when I get more of an internet connection. The tubes are quite constructed when going over the edge network.


X-Day 12 Pictures!


Trip scheduling - Ferry fun