Day 3: York Beach, ME to Nova Scotia

First, a recap of day 2. It was hopefully my longest day of the trip just putting as much distance between me and Cleveland. I think I succeeded since I camped next to the Atlantic Ocean in Maine.  :-)  I’m camping in a crowded RV park that also allows tents so it’s not the idyllic notion of camping in the woods. The advantage is that Bob next door threw a Miller to me as I was setting up my tent – something that doesn’t happen as much in nature. One bit of the nature een tried to attack me. A mean robin didn’t like where I was camping and it buzzed me every 10 minutes. No worries Mr. Robin, I’m not trying to steal your worms.

I also had my first real lobster (or lobster parts I suppose) in the form of a lobster roll from a restaurant down the street within walking distance. Not bad. I guess that’s the way to start: fresh Maine lobster when you are in Maine.

Today I’m hoping to get most of the way to Sydney, NS and see if I can catch a Saturday or early Sunday ferry to Newfoundland. Let’s see what I can do! I’m planning on following US-1 North until I get to Canada.


Day 3: For real this time


Day 2: Bath, NY to points East