Losing weight. Again

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Maintaining a healthy weight been a pretty constant struggle in my life. I’ve been thin before… as recently as 2015 I was down to only 174 pounds. Since then I’ve just gotten bigger and bigger.

I think so much of it is stress. I get into a vicious cycle of stress, then eating and drinking to feel better. Of course when I drink too much the next day is harder and it continues down hill.

In early December I weighed myself.

The scale reported 235.

That was, by far, the heaviest I’ve been.

I made a choice to lose weight. Again.

At first it was just by doubling down on my exercise. Then it was starting to drink less. Then it was all of the above.

I’m not a teetotaler, but I have to say that my last drink was on January 29th. And I’m feeling a lot better.

And I’m losing weight.

But I guess the drinking thing is a topic for another post.


Spelling? Branding?


A pop in my ankle